Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü tarafından düzenlenen Lisansüstü Buluşmaları bu hafta ‘’Güvenli Gıda Kavramı ve Yapılması Gerekenler’’ konul...
Dear Graduate Student Candidates,
As Alanya University Graduate Education Institute, our mission is to offer our students a global perspective through the pursuit of innovation, creative learning and research nationally and internationally. Our aim is to raise graduates who have the principles of lifelong learning and development, who can question, discuss, produce solutions and who can cerate competent human resources that will contribute to cultural and artistic development.
As Alanya University Graduate Education Institute, our mission is to offer our students a global perspective through the pursuit of innovation, creative learning and research nationally and internationally. Our aim is to raise graduates who have the principles of lifelong learning and development, who can question, discuss, produce solutions and who can cerate competent human resources that will contribute to cultural and artistic development.